Lunedì 8.3, ore 14.30
DNA variability and recombination rates at X-linked loci in humans
Nachman MW, Bauer VL, Crowell SL, Aquadro CF
Genetics 150 : 1133-1141
Presenta l’articolo : Guido Barbujani

Lunedì 15.3, ore 14.30
The genome sequence of Rickettsia prowazekii and the origin of mitochondria
Anderson SGE, et al.
Nature 396 : 133-140
Presenta l’articolo : Günther Manni

Lunedì 22.3, ore 14.30
Nested clade analyses of phylogeographic data : testing hypotheses about gene flow and population history
Templeton AR
Molecular Ecology 7 : 381-397
Presenta l’articolo : Michele Stenico

Lunedì 29.3, ore 14.30
Human races : a genetic and evolutionary perspective
Templeton AR
American Anthropology 100 : 632-650
Presenta l’articolo : Chiara Romualdi

Lunedì 12.4, ore 14.30 RINVIATO AL 17 MAGGIO
Departure from neutrality at the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene in humans, but not in chimapzees
Wise C, Sraml M, Easteal S
Genetics 148 : 409-421 (1998)
Presenta l’articolo : Lucia Simoni

Lunedì 19.4, ore 14.30
Comparative phylogeography of Nearctic and Palearctic fishes
Bernatchez L, Wilson CC
Molecular Ecology 7:431-452 (1998)
Presenta l’articolo : Leonardo Congiu

Lunedì 26.4, ore 14.30
RNA processing and the evolution of eukaryotes
Herbert A, Rich A
Nature Genetics 21 : 265-269 (1999)
Presenta l’articolo : Elisabetta Castoldi

Lunedì 3.5, ore 14.30
Il Journal Club non si terrà , per concomitante seminario di Ivan Scotti, Università di Udine, dal titolo:
Ripopolamento postglaciale dell'abete rosso sulle Alpi: un'analisi genetica

Lunedì 17.5, ore 14.30
Departure from neutrality at the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene in humans, but not in chimapzees
Wise C, Sraml M, Easteal S
Genetics 148 : 409-421 (1998)
Presenta l’articolo : Lucia Simoni

Lunedì 24.5, ore 14.30
Statistical properties of two tests that use multilocus data sets to detect population expansions
Reich DE, Feldman MW, Goldstein DB
Molecular Biology and Evolution 16:453-466 (1999)
Presenta l’articolo : Marianna Biondolillo

Lunedì 7.6, ore 14.30
Cultural selection and genetic diversity in matrilineal whales
Whitehead H
Science 1998 282:1708-11
Presenta l’articolo :  Giulietta Di Benedetto

Lunedì 14.6, ore 14.30
Microsatellites reveal heterosis in red deer
Coulson TN, Pemberton JM, Albon SD, Beaumont M, Marshall TC, Slate J, Guinness FE, Clutton-Brock TH
Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 1998 265:489-95
Presenta l’articolo :  Giorgio Bertorelle

Venerdì 19.11, ore 13
DNA sequence variation in a non-coding region of low recombination on the human X chromosome
Kaessmann H, Heissig F, von Haeseler A, Paabo S
Nat Genet 1999 May;22(1):78-81
Presenta l’articolo : Guido Barbujani

Venerdì, 26.11 ore 13
The molecular clock of HIV-1 unveiled through analysis of a known transmission history
Leitner T, Albert J
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1999 Sep 14;96(19):10752-7
Presenta l’articolo : Gunter Manni

Venerdì, 3.12 ore 13
Why hunter-gatherer populations do not show signs of pleistocene demographic expansions
Excoffier L, Schneider S
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1999 Sep 14;96(19):10597-602
Presenta l’articolo : Isabelle Dupanloup