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Isonymy Tables

The following Isonymy Tables contain isonymy parameters computed for different cities in different countries. Not all tables contain all the parameters listed. Columns are labeled with the following meanings:

L = locality
C = canton
St = state
N = sample size
S = number of different surnames
a = Fisher's a
v = Karlin's v
I = isonymy
Lg = language
X = horizontal coordinate
Y = vertical coordinate

Isonymy parameters for 106 towns and 5,150,000surnames in Germany

Isonymy parameters for 123 towns and 5,040,000surnames in Italy

Isonymy parameters for 271 towns and 1,700,000 surnames in Switzerland

Isonymy parameters for 120 towns and 1,080,000 surnames in Austria

Isonymy parameters for 247 towns and 18,022,606 surnames in the US