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Chromosomal location of satellite DNA family in Acipenser persicus

Nowruzfashkhami MR. Kazemi B, Jahani M, Pourkazemi M, Wazeeri-Nasab H, Azizzadeh L.

Satellite DNA sequences are noncoding, short and tandemly repeated sequences located mainly at the hetrochromatin region as centromeres and telomers. In sturgeons, the Hind III SatDNA family, Isolated from A. naccarii was used as a FISH (Fluorescent in situ Hybridization) probe on karyotypes of A. ruthenus, A. transmontanus, A. naccarii, A. gueldenstaedtii, H. huso and A. fulvescens.To date there is no information and report on studies of the SatDNA family in A. persicus. Hence this research was carried out to determine SatDNA number and location in chromosomes of this species. Chromosomes of the A. persicus were prepared from lymphocyte culture. Primers for HindIII satellite amplification were designed on A. gueldenstaedtii. In the studied metaphase of the Acipenser persicus the hybridization signals with the HindIII satellite DNA family probe were clearly visible. Early investigations report the presence of more than 60 signals on A. persicus chromosomes. Detailed investigations on the number of signals and their location on A. persicus chromosomes are still underway.