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Nikoljukin N.I. 1966. Some questions of cytogenetics, hybridization and systematics of the Acipenseridae. Genetika (USSR), 5: 25-27 Abstract

Arefjev, V.A. 1989. Increase of karyotypic variability iomn sturgeon hybrids. 6 p. In: Book of Abstracts, Premier Colloque International Sur L`esturgeon, Bordeaux, 3-6. October 1989. Published by Cemagref, 98 pp Abstract

Arefjev VA. 1999. Cytogenetics of interploid hybridization of sturgeons. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 15: 277 Abstract

Flajšhans M. Vajcová V. 2000. Odd ploidy levels in sturgeon suggest a backcross of interspecific hexaploid sturgeon hybrids to evolutionary tetraploid and/or octaploid parental species. Folia Zool. 49(2): 133-138 Abstract

Ene AC. Suciu R. 2001. Karyological investigation in natural hybrids of sturgeons of the lower Danube River. 10th European Congress of Ichthyology. Prague. (P 34) Abstract

Birstein VJ. 2002. Sturgeon Species and Hybrids: Can Hybrids Produce Caviar? Environ. Policy Law. 32: 210- 214

Symonová R. Flajšhans M. Gela D. Rodina M. Pelikanova Š. Rabova M. Rab P. Sturgeons are pretty polyploid: hybrid and ploidy diversity in sturgeons. International meeting on the genetics of polyploids. Lisbon, Portugal 11 - 12 november 2010 Abstract

2n=60±2; 40 m+sm, 20 a, 100 FN Only macrochromosomes were counted
Serebryakova EV. 1972. Some data on the chromosome complexes in Acipenseridae. In: Genetics, Selection, and Hybridization of Fish. (Ed. B.I. Cherfas). Translated from Russian by Israel Program for Scientific Translations. Keter Press Binding: Wiener Bindery Ltd. Jerusalem. pp. 98-106
Burtzev IA. Serebryakova EV. 1973. A hybrid beluga x sterlet (Huso huso (L.) x Acipenser ruthenus L., Pisces): karyology, gametogenesis and potential status. Genetics 74: s35

2n=117.4±1.08; 57.7±0.37 m+sm, 58.9±0.97 a, 174.3±1.41 FN
Arefjev VA. 1989. Karyotype variability in successive generations after hybridization between the great sturgeon, Huso huso (L.), and the sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus. L. J. Fish Biol. 35: 819-828 Abstract

Ojima Y. Nakanishi Y. Takay A. 1986. Chromosomal studies of cultured cells from the hybrids between Huso huso and Acipenser ruthenus. Proc. Japan Acad. 62B(3): 87-90 Abstract
Arefjev VA. Nikolaev AI. 1993. Induced polyploidy in sturgeons: back to the problem in Russia. 31-32 pp. International Symposium on Sturgeons, Abstract Bulletin. September 6-11, 1993, Moscow-Kostroma-Moscow, Russia. Abstract

Omoto N, Maebayashi M, Adachi S, Arai K, Yamauchi K. 2005. Sex ratios of triploids and gynogenetic diploids induced in the hybrid sturgeon, the bester (Huso huso female x Acipenser ruthenus male) Aquaculture 245: 39-47 Abstract

2n=167.2±1.6; 74±0.4 m+sm, 93.6±1.4 a, 241.3±1.9 FN
Arefjev VA. Nikolaev AI. 1991. Cytological analysis of the reciprocal hybrids between low- and high-chromosome acipenserids, the great sturgeon, Huso huso (L.), and the Russian sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedti Brandt. Cytologia 56: 495-502 Abstract

2n=169.4±2.9; 74.2±0.7 m+sm, 95.3±2.4 a, 243.6±3.5 FN
Arefjev VA. Nikolaev AI. 1991. Cytological analysis of the reciprocal hybrids between low- and high-chromosome acipenserids, the great sturgeon, Huso huso (L.), and the Russian sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedti Brandt. Cytologia 56: 495-502 Abstract

2n=177.1±2.2; 78 m+sm, 16 a, 88 mc 260 FN
Gorshkova G. Gorshkov S. Gordin H. Knibb W. 1996 Karyological study in hybrids of beluga Huso huso (L.) and the russian sturgeon Acipenser guldenstaedti Brandt. Isr. J. Aquacult-Bamin. 48: 35-39 Abstract


Fopp-Bayat D, Woznicki P. 2006. Verification of ploidy level in sturgeon larvae. Aquac. Res. 37: 1671-1675 Abstract

Fopp-Bayat D, Jankun M, Woznicki P. 2007. Viability of diploid and triploid larvae of Siberian sturgeon and bester hybrids. Aquac. Res. 38: 1301–1304 Abstract

Fopp-Bayat D. Jankun M. Woznicki P. Kolman R. 2007. Viability of diploid and triploid larvae of Siberian sturgeon and bester hybrids. Aquaculture Research 38: 1301-1304 Abstract

m = metacentric; sm = submetacentric; a = acrocentric; mc = micro chromosomes; FN = fondamental number