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Huso huso



2n=60±2; 38 m+sm, 22 a, 98 FN Only macrochromosomes were counted
Serebryakova EV. 1972. Some data on the chromosome complexes in Acipenseridae.. In: Genetics, Selection, and Hybridization of Fish. (Ed. B.I. Cherfas). Translated from Russian by Israel Program for Scientific Translations. Keter Press Binding: Wiener Bindery Ltd. Jerusalem. pp. 98-106
2n=116±4; 68 m+sm, 46 a, 182 FN
Fontana F. Colombo G. 1974. The chromosomes of Italian sturgeons. Experientia 30: 739-742 Abstract
2n=109-112; 159-165 NF
Burtzev JA. Nikoljukin NJ. Serebryakova EV. 1976. Karyology of the Acipenseridae family in relation to the hybridization and taxonomy problems. Acta Biol. Jugosl. Ser. Ichthyologia 8: 27-34 Abstract


2n=118±3; 62±4 m, 6 a, 50±3 mc, 180±4 FN
Serebryakova EV. Arefjev VA. Vasiliev VP. Sokolov L.I. 1983. The study of the karyotype of giant sturgeon, Huso huso (L.) (Acipenseridae , Chondrostei) with reference to their systematic position. In Genetics of Commercial Fishes and Aquaculture Objects. pp 63-69, Moscow Abstract
Arefjev VA, Panov AD. 1984. Some problems of the chromosome distribution in the metaphase plates of great sturgeon, Huso huso (L) Genetika 20 (8): 1374-1379 1984 Abstract
2n=118±2; 60±2 m+sm, (118±2)+(60±2) FN
Birstein VJ. Vasiliev VP. 1987. Tetraploid-octoploid relationships and karyological evolution in the order Acipenseriformes (Pishes): karyotypes, nucleoli, and nucleolus-organizer regions in four acipenserid species. Genetica 73: 3-12 Abstract
2n=118.6±0.5; 61.5±0.3 m, 57.9±0.5 a, (177.9±0.6) FN
Arefjev VA. 1989. Karyotype variability in successive generations after hybridization between the great sturgeon, Huso huso (L.), and the sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus. L. J. Fish Biol. 35: 819-828 Abstract
2n=117.6±0.4; 61.2±0.2 m, 57.6±0.6 a, (178.2±0.5) FN
Arefjev VA. Nikolaev AI. 1991. Cytological analysis of the reciprocal hybrids between low- and high-chromosome acipenserids, the great sturgeon, Huso huso (L.), and the Russian sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedti Brandt. Cytologia 56: 495-502 Abstract
Arefjev VA. 1993. NOR-banding studies of Acipenser baeri karyotype. Abstract Bulletin Internatrional Symposium on sturgeons Moscow, September 6-11, 1993. VNIRO, Moscow-Kostroma-Moscow, Russia. pp 30-31 Abstract

2n=116±1, 356 FN
Nowruz Fashkhami M. R. 1996. On the karyotypes of Acipenser persicus, A. stellatus and Huso huso from the Iranian waters of the Caspian Sea. Sturg. Quat. 4 (3): 7.

Fontana F. Rossi R. Lanfredi M. Arlati G. Bronzi P. 1997. Cytogenetic characterization of cell lines from three sturgeon species. Caryologia 50: 91-95 Abstract
2n=118±2; 84 m+sm, 34 a+mc, 202 FN
Fontana F. Tagliavini J. Congiu L. Lanfredi M. Chicca M. Laurenti C. Rossi R. 1998 - Karyotypic characterization of the great sturgeon, Huso huso, by multiple staining techniques and fluorescent in situ hybridization. Mar. Biol. 132: 495-501 Abstract
Nowruz Fashkhami MR. Khosroshahi M. 1999. Karyotype study on stellate and great sturgeon by leukocyte culture. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 15: 283. Abstract