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Acipenser stellatus


2n=109-112; 159-165 NF
Burtzev JA. Nikoljukin NJ. Serebryakova EV. 1976. Karyology of the Acipenseridae family in relation to the hybridization and taxonomy problems. Acta Biol. Jugosl. Ser. Ichthyologia 8: 27-34 Abstract
2n=118±2; 70 m+sm, 48 a+mc, 188 FN
Vasiliev VP. 1985. Evolutionary karyology of fishes. Nauka Press, Moscow. 126-139. (in Russian).
2n=118±2; 70±4 m+sm, (118±2)+(70±4) FN
Birstein VJ. Vasiliev VP. 1987. Tetraploid-octoploid relationships and karyological evolution in the order Acipenseriformes (Pishes): karyotypes, nucleoli, and nucleolus-organizer regions in four acipenserid species. Genetica 73: 3-12 Abstract

2n=118±1, 356 FN
Nowruz Fashkhami M. R. 1996. On the karyotypes of Acipenser persicus, A. stellatus and Huso huso from the Iranian waters of the Caspian Sea. Sturg. Quat. 4 (3): 7.

2n=118±2; 186±2 FN
Suciu R. Ene C. 1996. Karyological study of the stellate sturgeon, Acipenser stellatus, from the Danube River. Sturg. Quart. 4(3): 14-15

Nowruz Fashkhami MR. Khosroshahi M. 1999. Karyotype study on stellate and great sturgeon by leukocyte culture. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 15: 283. Abstract

2n=146±6; 72 m+sm, 74 a+mc, 218 FN
Chicca M. Suciu R. Ene C. Lanfredi M. Congiu L. Leis M. Tagliavini J. Rossi R. Fontana F. 2002. Karyotype characterization of the stellate sturgeon, Acipenser stellatus, by chromosome banding and fluorescent in situ hybridization. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 18: 298-300 Abstract



m = metacentric; sm = submetacentric chromosomes; FN = fondamental number