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Acipenser baerii

2n ~ 209
Burtzev JA. Nikoljukin NJ. Serebryakova EV. Karyotype presented in 1973 at the First European Ichthyological Congress, held in Sarajevo by the the Yugoslav Society of Ichthyology (personal communication to Francesco Fontana)
2n=249±5; 120 mc 308±4 FN
Vasil’ yev VP. Sokolov LI. Serebryakova EV. 1980. Karyotype of the Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baeri Brandt from the Lena River and some questions of the acipenserid karyotypic evolution. Vopr Ikhtiol 23: 814-822 Abstract
Vasiliev VP. 1985. Evolutionary karyology of fishes. Nauka Press, Moscow. 126-139. (in Russian). bavas85_s.jpg
2n=246±8; 98 m+sm, 150 a+mc, 346 FN
Fontana F. 1994. Chromosomal nucleolar organizer regions in four sturgeon species as markers of karyotype evolution in Acipenseriformes (Pisces). Genome 37: 888-892 Abstract

Fontana F. Rossi R. Lanfredi M. Arlati G. Bronzi P. 1997. Cytogenetic characterization of cell lines from three sturgeon species. Caryologia 50: 91-95 Abstract

Fontana F. Lanfredi M. Chicca M. Aiello V. Rossi R. 1998. Localization of the repetitive telomeric sequence (TTAGGG)n in four sturgeon species. Chrom. Res. 6: 303-306 Abstract

Dorota FB, Jankun M, Woznicki P. 2006 Chromosome number and erythrocyte nuclei length in triploid Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baeri Brandt. Caryologia 59: 319-321 Abstract

Havelka M. Hulák M. Ráb P. Rábová M. Lieckfeldt D. Ludwig A. Rodina M. Gela D. Pšenička M. Bytyutskyy D. Flajšhans M. 2014. Fertility of a spontaneous hexaploid male Siberian sturgeon, Acipenser baerii. BMC Genetics, 15 Abstract


m = metacentric; sm = submetacentric; a = acrocentric; mc = micro chromosomes; FN = fondamental number